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MOMook started cooperation with Transport and Telecommunication Institute

MOMook started cooperation with Transport and Telecommunication Institute

February 25, 2016

Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI) has signed a cooperation agreement with aviation training management software company MOMook. Under the agreement, MOMook will provide institute with the training workflow management tool.

TSI, located in Riga,Latvia, is a modern private technical university which provides the academic programs including Aviation Transport. TSI offers basic and type training courses for different aviation specialties, including pilots, technicians and others, and plans to mainly use MOMook’s Requests, Scheduling, Student Progress and Learning Management System features.

“The growing student body requires innovative and robust IT solution that enables easier university’s daily workflow management and automation of a wide variety of training management tasks.

Transforming the way we perform our daily tasks by using training management software is not just a “nice-to-have” item. Working smarter means to be empowered by technology, work efficiently and cost-effectively. The technology-based culture transforms reactive organization into the proactively working environment by bringing the new approaches to our staff and students”, Mr. Bogdan Furundzhi, Chairman of the Board at Transport and Telecommunication Institute, commented.

Ms. Egle Vaitkeviciute, MOMook’s CEO, said this business partnership is particularly valued: “We already enjoy positive business relations with Transport and Telecommunication Institute. Over the past years MOMook has experienced a significant growth and gained the trust of clients from all around the world.”

Transport and telecommunication institute (TSI) – is a modern university with the almost centennial history TSI – is the university-successor of the legendary RKIIGA (Riga Red-Banner Civil Aviation Institute) and RAU (Riga Aviation Institute). The Institute provides with the academic programs in the following directions: transport and logistics, computer sciences, electronics and telecommunication, economics and management, aviation transport.